New position
I am now a lecturer in the Faculty of Eduation at the University of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia.
I started on the 12th February, 2007 and am lecturing in the curriculum and pedagogy strand of the new four year bachelor of education degree. The strand is becoming the professional development strand. At the moment I have some responsibility for two large undergraduate courses, and I am lecturing and tutoring in both courses.
You can access my staff website at by clicking on Faculties - Faculty of Education - Academic Staff.
The campus is beautiful. The staff are friendly and supportive. Many things have been somewhat of a blur, but there is no doubt that what I am doing is stimulating and stretching me in a way like never before!
I have mentioned to some people that my first few weeks here has reminded me of my first year as a schoolteacher - which was 10 years ago! Since everything is new, nothing is easy because it is not familiar.
I have nine tutorial groups each week which I am thoroughly enjoying. It makes quite a refreshing change from working at home by myself in front of a computer all day!