Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The link to the blurb

The Multiplicities of Internet Addiction - available now at http://www.ashgate.com/isbn/9780754674962

New release!

My book is finally in my hands . . .

I was just thinking - Movies like Sandra Bullock's The Net position Internet users as helplessly and hopelessly addicted to their modems and do not allow for the notion that these users are exercising choice and agency in how they utilize these technologies.

Monday, January 05, 2009

Wondering about intelligence

I wonder whether those of greater intelligence are able to make better sense of things, and add to their learning and knowledge through making meaningful connections that are more permanent and relevant than those with lesser intelligence.

I wonder whether those with a lower intelligence quotient not only do not spend time considering how what they see, feel, and experience can or should be explained, and whether they have the aptitude to do so.