I take the bus to and from work - most of the time. Sometimes David my husband is my chauffeur ;-)
There are actually quite a number of reasons.
1. I dislike driving. Sometimes I find it stressful. I find it quite relaxing having someone else drive me.
2. Going on the bus gives me time to think about other things, that are arguably in need of more attention than being attentive to driving. For instance, thinking about following the road code and making sure I and others are safe on the road.
3. It costs only $3.70 one way. That's $37 a week if I went to and from work every day on the bus. Compare this to the cost of running a car, including insurance, petrol, and the initial outlay for buying a car.
4. It is 15 minutes of thinking time (I did think I would read, but it's not really enough time to get work out, sometimes I feel sick when reading on the bus, and in the mornings, there is not enough space).
5. I get some exercise by walking to the bus stop, and walking to my office from the university bus stop.
6. I focus on using my time well at work, because in the afternoons, either I get the bus at 3:40pm, or work until 5:40pm when the next one arrives.
7. Call me cheap or whatever, but I don't want to pay $200 per year to UOW for car parking.
8. I do not want the stress of having to find a carpark, as I am not guaranteed of getting a park, even if I have paid for a parking permit.
9. At this stage, I cannot justify paying $600 a year for a reserved car park.
10. I don't contribute a personal share of carbon dioxide emissions to the environment.
11. We only own one car. That means David can use it, and I don't need to.
12. It encourages me to be disciplined so that I get the bus on time!