Monday, August 10, 2009

A la natural?

Are we losing the ability to 'be'? In our fetish for stimulation, it
seems that we need to be either watching a screen, listening to
digital audio, or speaking on a phone, all of which constantly
saturates our senses. Can we just 'be' without additional stimulation?
Is there a natural state? Are the benefits of solitude being neglected?


Anonymous Darcy Moore said...

Yes, I think there is much reflection needed on this topic, quiet reflection.

For me, I find it hard to switch off - always have, well before digital gadgets - and would read late into the night.

Now, walking provides my best time for just 'being'. I never listen to music while striding out, just look at the beautiful surrounds here in Kiama - and just 'be'. Prior to living on the South Coast, the Blue Mountains provided the environment for this kind of walking reflection. Walking is, as we know, a natural metre for talking and thinking.


7:48 PM  
Blogger Nicola said...

I like to switch off and zone out by going for a jog. It's a great release and 'pep'.

Every day I take the dogs for a walk, usually with my husband, so we talk out our day but then we're able to just enjoy the natural sounds and environment. I very rarely have the iPod buds in my ears.

I tend to be a contemplative soul, so I frequently indulge in quiet think time, with no noise, and no screens.

That said, when I'm at work, my email, music, Skype, instant chat, and browser are all operating while I'm working.

If we have too much stimulation - can our minds settle, or do they become 'hooked' on the constant feed?

6:47 PM  

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