Saturday, October 29, 2005

Tom said this

R - So what do you think is a technological expert?

T - Someone who's competent in something, yeah. I don't know. That's about it.

R - What does competent mean to you?

T - They know what they're doing and yeah.

R - So would you consider yourself to be an expert in your areas of interest?

T - Um, I've gotta a lot to learn still, but yeah, for my age, I'd probably be pretty competent.

R - So, when you think of the word expertise, what do you think?

T - Pass [laughs].

R - Competence [we both laugh]. Ok, well I'll just word it a different way to see if that helps. Do you know of anybody who is older than you that you might look up to or something, and you think they're an expert, how would you describe their expertise?

T - Like how I'd describe like the level of it or? Um, I dunno.

R - Do you think there are different levels of expertise?

T - Definitely, yeah. Like you could be an expert at what you do but you still do things like the old way or the new way of coming in comes in you like have to learn how to do that and it's faster and stuff like that.

R - So do you think other people might become an expert in the same way you did?

T - Um yeah, it's not that hard. Just do it on the net.

R - So it's about having time?

T - Yeah, having the time and patience to read.

R - and research it

T - Yeah

He said that in his graphics class at school, he has been asked for help lots, and deemed the resident expert. They are working on designing an image package of café logos, including menu, match boxes, serviettes, business cards, etc.


Blogger Leonie said...

this is a different take: it doesn't give the same kind of status to expertise; it is basically seen as just the necessary skills; so nothing special. just what you have to do in a certain field. that's interesting i think...and it has generational implications, too, because older adults (eg me!) sometimes think that all kids are 'experts' with technology where as the kids themselves may see their skill as routine; like it was routine for my mum to know how to do embroidery or something...

8:08 AM  

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