Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Marc Prensky

Marc Prensky is famous. Why? Possibly for talkng about how 'digital natives' need new ways of addressing their learning needs.

However, is Marc a huckster? A huckster is actually a real word. It is a mercenary person eager to make a profit out of anything.

For my opinions on the phrase 'digital natives', please see earlier postings.

He has his own commercial website: http://www.marcprensky.com/

My problem with him is that popular discourse informs us that he has coined the infamous phrase of 'digital natives' whereas in fact, John Perry Barlow was most likely to be the first to do so (in 1996). Is he taking credit where credit isn't due? I don't know for sure.

It's really interesting how many people have taken up the phrase of 'digital natives' without acknowledging the original source, and/or perhaps not being critical of the term itself.


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