Wednesday, November 30, 2005

New definitions

Thoughts and feedback on the following will be much appreciated.

Dictionary definitions:

Expertise: A great skill or knowledge in a particular field.
Expert: A person who understands a particular field and is skilful at it.
Experimenting: an attempt to do something new, or a trying out of something to see what will happen, and the use of tests and trials in order to make discoveries.

New definitions:

A computer expert is: An agent who exhibits the dispositions of familiarity and confidence in engaging with the multi-faceted fields of computer literacy as a result of their cultural capital, enabling them to have spent a great deal of time experimenting with computers online and offline.

Computer expertise is: Any one of various skill levels of an agent that exhibits the dispositions of familiarity and confidence in engaging with the multi-faceted fields of computer literacy, as a result of their cultural capital, which enabled them to spend a great deal of time experimenting with computers online and offline.

What do you think of the following premise?
Skill is not the main factor in determining these experts; skill is camouflaged in their interactions with computers. It might only be determined in viewing finished products, which then need criteria in order for them to be assessed. During the process of observing an agent engaging with the multi-faceted fields of computer literacy, skill is hard to determine.

“great deal of time” is arbitrary and subjective, included on purpose.
“confidence” that the expert has is also arbitrary and subjective, and is reflective of the notion that an expert is self-assessed. The expert does not have to be affirmed by others, in order for s/he to consider him or herself an expert.

And in relation to Bourdieu:

Habitus and cultural capital enable these children to become experts, i.e.
A computer expert must have a computer (and dial-up or broadband Internet) at home that they are able to access in order to accumulate the time required (also arbitrary) to become an expert.
These computer experts did not need school to help them become an expert in this area.

© Nicola F. Johnson


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